Spring is here, and with it comes the urge to freshen up our homes. But before you grab the cleaning spray, consider tackling the root of the mess: clutter! Here are some common items you can definitely declutter to create a more streamlined and peaceful space.

Target These Top Items to Toss. Here are some common items you can definitely ditch to create a calmer, more organized space:

  • Still Boxed Items: We’ve all been there – gifts that never saw the light of day, impulse purchases that seemed like a good idea at 3 am while scrolling, or that bulk bargains that will outlive you. These boxed items are taking up valuable space. Consider selling them online if they’re in new or good condition, or donate them to give them a new life. Remember, if they haven’t seen the light of day yet, they probably won’t in the future.

  • Not Used Items: Our styles and needs change over time. Donate clothes and items in good condition to charity, and recycle or toss anything worn, outdated, or torn. If something hasn’t graced your body in a year, be honest: will it ever again?

  • Expired Items: This one’s a no-brainer. Toss expired food and medication. Many pharmacies offer take-back programs for unused medications, and you can usually recycle clean plastic pill bottles.

  • Past Paperwork: We all accumulate paper clutter over time. Here’s a guideline: The IRS recommends keeping tax returns and documents for three years after filing. Bank statements and ATM receipts can be tossed after a year. Keep important documents like birth certificates in a separate secure location to avoid accidental disposal.

  • Extras: Do you have a cabinet overflowing with mismatched mugs you don’t need (I’m guilty)? A drawer stuffed with towels you never use? If you haven’t needed them in a year, they’re just adding to the clutter. Donate or recycle these extras and free up some space.

By purging those unused belongings, you can create a more peaceful and organized home this spring. But the benefits of decluttering go beyond your personal space. When it comes time to sell your house, a decluttered and organized home can make a world of difference. Potential buyers can better visualize themselves living in the space, and a clean, uncluttered home shows pride of ownership.

So this spring, tackle that clutter! You’ll not only create a more relaxing space for yourself, but you’ll also be laying the groundwork for a smooth and successful home sale down the line. So grab a box (or two!), put on some motivating music, and get ready to reclaim your space!